Monday, July 28, 2014

Bottled Prayer

"Every prayer prayed in that place would be passed on to us."

When I think about the possibility that our prayers do not end, it gives me joy.  
To think that the prayers my grandparents and parents prayed for me are still at work in my life is exciting.  It also makes me realize how important my prayers are for my children, my grandchildren, friends, family and church.  

As we near the end of this book I have to say that it has definitely changed my perspective on prayer.  I think that I took prayer lightly.  Now I feel that prayer is so powerful!  It can change things for generations.  It draws me closer to God.  It has created a more personal relationship with my savior.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is amazing to think that prayers that were voiced for me years ago are still being answered in my life. I think about that now as I pray for my children and grandchildren. The prayers I have for them may not be answered in my lifetime and that gives me an amazing feeling knowing that I can still impact my family even after I am no longer here. We want to leave an inheritance for our children and grandchildren, what better inheritance could there be than continual prayers that last forever. Wow, that's pretty neat!