Thursday, July 24, 2014

Double Miracles

There are so many things we pray for that require another parties participation.
When we pray are we considering how our prayers will affect the lives of others outside of our direct circle?

The miracle that we pray for may require someone else to also take a leap of faith.
The miracle that we pray for may require someone else to suffer a loss.
The miracle that we pray for may be a blessing for both parties.

I pray for a friend to sell her home so she can live closer to her family, but this may require another family to move further away from their family.  I have added to my prayer request to also pray for the family that God places in her home.

I think it is easy to forget that our prayers may affect the lives of others when God answers them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you Brenda. This certainly came to mean more to me recently. Our prayers can in someway also mean either a victory or a hardship for someone else. If a buyer decides to buy my house instead of someone else's the other seller may face hardship or it may mean a better selling price down the road for the other seller. As we talked about earlier in this blog, for someone to receive a transplant someone somewhere has to die. If you look at it that way it takes on a whole new meaning. However, it may also mean the person who dies gets to see our Savior if they know Him a Lord. In that situation it is a win/win for both people. There are often people and situations within our prayer circles that we may never even know about that are also effected by our prayers. That's really an awesome idea when you think about it. Who knows how our prayers may bring about change in the lives of others! Let's pray for more, Double Miracles!