A Letter to God
"Sometimes the power of prayer is the power to carry on.
It doesn't always change your circumstances, but it gives you the strength to walk through them."
It seems like God has carried me so many times. I definitely need his strength.
There have been times that I have been on my knees in the shower crying literally and pleading with God to help me with my burden.
He has always lifted me, maybe not always giving me the result I was hoping for but he is always there for me emotionally. Turning my problems over to God has always brought me peace and the strength to move forward.
The other thing I thought about while reading the section titled "A letter to God" is that sometimes when I am struggling to talk to someone about a difficult situation, I will write a letter to make my thoughts more clear, instead of talking and putting my foot in my mouth.
I loved the idea of writing a letter to God with our hopes and dreams, then praising God daily.
I loved the idea of writing a letter to God too. There's something about putting your thoughts down on paper that somehow makes them real. They are no longer abstract and just thoughts, but now they are concrete and right there in black and white. I am trying to sell my house and over the past year of waiting for that to happen the thought, "Can He?" has entered my mind more than I care to admit. I need to write God a letter about that and put it on my refrigerator! Maybe I'll write in big letters on the top, "Yes, He Can!" as a reminder that my God is bigger than any housing market. HE CAN and WILL sell my house in His timing!
I love the comments you have both posted. I love the idea of writing the letter and posting it where you can see it every day. In this case, you would see it each time you go to the refrigerator. By doing this you will be reminded to pray constantly about your need and keep it in the forefront of your life.
I think that we should all take this act into account and think about writing our own letters.
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