Sizing up God
God asks "Is there a limit to my power?"
Are our problems bigger than God?
We should be praying with the knowledge that God has no limit to his power.
He can part the sea
Feed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish
Provided quail for 600,000 Isrealites
Fell the walls of Jericho
Raised Lazarus
Turned water to wine
Healing of the blind
Birth of Jesus
and lets not forget the Resurrection!
His power has no limits!
He can answer all of our prayers.
The question is will he, and if so when will he.
I love the idea of praying with holy confidence!
I am so glad that God's power is limitless! Even though I know that I sure need some more practice praying with holy confidence. Its very easy to limit God when we pray and have to wait on an answer. While waiting I often find myself thinking more about the words, "Can He?" in relation to my prayers than, "He Can!" When that doubt comes in and shakes my confidence in God's power I must learn to very quickly remind myseld, "Yes, He Can! and Yes, He Will!" God has the power to do what He chooses to do. We just have to trust Him to do what is best for us, in His timing not ours:o)
I completely agree with you. It is not a matter of if God can but, when will He. We have to pray diligently without ceasing. It makes me think of the persistent widow. I may be getting ahead of myself her, but she never gave up and continued to seek the judge each day and ask him to grant her request. We must do that as well and then praise God for the results regardless of how it might turn out.
Our request may not happen in your own timing but in Gods which will be perfect in every way!
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