Thursday, June 26, 2014

Persistence Quotient

Persistence Quotient

Does your prayer life reflect persistence?
I know for me it does not always reflect persistence.  
My prayer life is strongly affected by my impatience.
I grow tired of waiting and I want the issue resolved. . . . NOW.
So I sometimes stop praying about the issue and go into my fix-it mode.  
This usually backfires on me.  I need to practice persistence in my prayer life.

Do you grow impatient or are you persistent in your prayer life?

Pray with persistence!  Remember it is never to late for God to answer your prayer.  Just remember the answer may not be exactly what you were hoping for or what you expect!


Unknown said...

Well, I certainly needed this chapter! I tend to doubt if my dreams or requests are from God or simply my own selfish motives when I don't receive an answer right away. That then leads to a period of doubt and lack of prayer. I have been going through that recently with my prayers for selling my house. I have prayed for my house to sell but it hasn't. I have prayed for guidance in how to make my house sell. Should I make improvements, lower the price, plant flowers? I have looked for answers from the worldly view instead of the spiritual view. God wants me to trust Him and continue to circle the sale of my house in prayer. I must be persistent and remember God has it all in His hands. I have a peace it will sell, now I must continue to pray and not grow impatient while I wait. I know all the reasons I want to sell my house,I must realize God also has reasons why it isn't selling now. As I pray I have to keep my eyes on Him and look for that one small cloud that will turn into the right buyer at the right time. His timing, not mine!

Christi Adams said...

Wow! This was a very powerful section. From this, I have learned that I need to practice my prayer life and like a violinist the more I practice the better I will become. We must all pray because "the bigger the dream the harder you will have to pray".

I also agree that when a prayer isn't answered in my timing that I tend to give up and lose heart, patience and faith. One of the most profound statements for me in this section is "the reason many of us give up too soon is that we feel like we have failed if God doesn't answer our prayer. That isn't failure. The only way you can fail is if you stop praying."