Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Jericho Miracle part 2

Jesus at the Walls to Jericho

Jesus Heals 2 Blind Men at Jericho Wall

If you met Jesus today how would each of us reply to his question "What do you want me to do for you?"
I have thought about this question alot today.  Would the things on your list be God glorifying?
These are probably the 4 most basic things that each of us seek from Jesus.
If Jesus asked us "What do you want me to do for you?" would our answers be BOLD and SPECIFIC?

Honi was so specific in his prayer.  He prayed for rain and when he received a drizzle, he became more specific with his pray stating he wanted rain to fill the cisterns, and when he received a extremely heavy rain he became even more specific that he was seeking the rain of Gods favor, blessing and graciousness.

Heal _(name)_ who has _(name of illness)_
Salvation for my friend _ (Name)_
Reconciliation for _(name)_ and his wife _(name)_
Provision for __(name)__ missions trip to __(location)__

I think I am fairly specific when I pray, but I also say "If it is your will".  I think I say this out of concern that God may not give me the miracle I am seeking.
I know that God can perform miracles, so I should be asking boldly, specifically and with confidence.


Christi Adams said...

I quess I am probably most guilty of not being specific enough. When I ask for healing I typically do not mention from what because God already knows. I guess I feel like he already knows so do I really need to be so specific with the request especially if it is something I have been seeking for a while. I guess that is where I need to be more bold in my prayers but where I am afraid of being demanding. I also say "If it is your will," because I know that what I am searching for May not be in the best interest of everyone involved because I can't see the whole picture. I am sometimes not aware of all the people who will be affected by my prayer.

For example, the situation with my father and his organ donation, in order for him to receive an organ another person must loose his/her life and it will change the lives of all those involved forever. When I pray for healing it could come in the way of an organ or in a pass through the pearly gates, that is for God to decide. He knows what it best!

Unknown said...

"it could come in the way of an organ or in a pass through the pearly gates" What a great way of looking at healing!

Unknown said...

I agree, I also am guilty of not being specific enough when I pray. I also think God already knows what I need or want before I ask so why do I have to give Him, who knows every hair on my head, the specifics. After reading this chapter I realized that God wants us to use specifics. I can compare it to when my children would come to me when they were younger. If they came and asked for $10 the next words out of my mouth were, "For what?" I wonder if God thinks like that. "I need healing." Does God think, "From what?" Even though He already knows does He want His children to care enough and communicate with Him enough to give the specifics? Like the blind men that a thousand years after Jericho fell encountered Jesus, He asks us,"What do you want me to do for you?" He wants us to define our needs and desires. He wants us to spell it out for Him. Christi, what you said is really touching. Some times for us to receive what we want from God, others may have to make a sacrifice. Other times what we are asking for may be answered in a way that isn't what we want at all, but that is what He knows to be best for us. When that happens we have to love and trust Him enough to accept His answer. Only when we do that can we truly give God total control of our lives and the lives of the people we love.

Unknown said...

In reading your post, I could not help but think how often I am not specific. Not only in my prayers for healing, salvation and reconciliation, but also in praise! Even with the struggles we have in our lives, we all have so much to praise God for.