Prayer Promise
I think this section really should have been titled "Patience".
Patience is something that most of us struggle with.
We pray for Gods provisions and when he does not answer us as quickly as we would like,
we set out to fix the situation ourselves.
We want what we want when we want it.
I have grown inpatient many many times waiting on Gods answer to prayer.
It can be so difficult waiting, so we give up praying and try to do it ourselves.
Everything is so much better in Gods time!
Sometimes what seems like a no is really a not yet. . . BE PATIENT!
In this section of the chapter a couple of things really stuck out to me. Probably because they really hit home. The first thing was that I certainly have to admit that often my main objective is personal comfort rather than God's glory when I pray. I want to feel comfortable and often that involves location, who I talk to, where I sit, and my prayers are no different. If I am totally relying on God, ask Him to use me and want my life to bring glory to Him, I may have to be willing to be a little uncomfortable in the process. It may cost me financially, it may mean a mission trip with no air conditioner, I may have to go sit by someone I don't know because I feel the Holy Spirit prompting me to be a friend to a stranger.
The other part of this section that really spoke to me was: If I seek answers I won't find them, but if I seek God, the answers will find me! I need to learn to let go and let God answer my prayers. It may take a while for God to answer and just because He doesn't answer right away doesn't mean the answer is no. I must be patient and let God answer in His own time when the answer will be exactly what I need instead of trying to put Him on my timeline. Who knows by taking me out of the equation God may just do more than I ever imagined possible when He does answer my prayer!
I loved your last sentence! So often I am not patient and I am sure that I interfere or at least interrupt Gods plan for me. Patience is definitely something that I struggle with!
I agree with both of you on this area. I tend to lose patience quickly. I want an instant response. I guess that comes from living in a society where we want instant gratification on everything. If we had to wait on snail mail for everything maybe we would have more patience. I also look for personal comfort among my prayers. I want to stay inside my comfort zone. Sometimes I wonder what prayers I have botched by being impatient or to comfortable.
I also find God's timing to be interesting, to say the least. I am behind on my reading due to some traveling and as I began readin this section things really hit home. "If I seek God the answers will find me." I have been praying to God about employment and I received a phone call out of the blue about an available position. Although it is not exactly what I had in mind, I know God knows best.
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