Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Legend of the Circle Maker

 "The day thunderclaps applauded the Almighty."  
What an amazing way to look at a thunderstorm!

This chapter really made me question how I pray.

Am I bold?
Is it disrespectful to God if I am bold almost to the point that it seems like I am demanding?
Am I willing to commit to staying in a circle and waiting on God?

It did not seem to me that Honi questioned that God was going to provide the rain.  He was willing to commit that he would not leave the circle until his prayer had been answered.  He was committed and believed that God would provide the rain.

In our prayer lives are we bold and committed?


Unknown said...

The 1st chapter while it is short, it is very powerful! Honi was committed to pray until God answered and was willing to stay in the circle and committed until that answer came. I may be bold and pray letting God know my desires, but my commitment is often lacking. It's easy to pray and ask God for His will, but the hard part is committing to pray until the answer is as evident to us as rain falling from the sky. As we read this book together, let's work on boldly coming before the throne of God. Let's be specific with our prayers right done to how hard we want the rain to fall! Then be committed to pray until we hear from God and receive our answer to the prayers we offer up to Him. I believe we will see God rain down His blessing of answered prayer in each of our lives!
Are you willing to draw your circle?

Christi Adams said...

I also felt like chapters one and two made me question my prayer life. As I sat reading these chapters, the rain began falling. Was this just a coincidence? I don't think so. God is intentional. I need to be more intentional with my prayer circles. One thing that really stuck out to me was, "Who you become is determined by how you pray. Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life."

If that is the case, I really should ramp up my prayer life for not only myself but for each person that is placed in my path because God has placed us there intentionally.

Unknown said...

"The hard part is committing to pray until the answer is as evident to us as rain falling from the sky". That is so true!

Unknown said...

It is much easier to remember to pray for things that directly affect us. . . this is a great reminder that prayer for others that are placed in our path is just as important if not more so. Thanks Christi!