Friday, July 11, 2014

Familiarity with God

"He had a familiarity with God that was disarming.  He had a faith in God that was reassuring."  

Familiarity is relaxed friendliness or intimacy between people.  

I want this with God!

There are times that I feel so far away from God.  My life can become so busy that the most important things get left by the wayside. . . . .sadly this can be my time with God.  
I want so much to have that relationship with my Savior!  That all who know me will see Christ through me!

I want to pursue Jesus and know his ways.  I want to spend time with him so that I will he his soft voice. By becoming more familiar with our Father my faith will grow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you Brenda. I want to have that familiarity with God and trust Him for every facet of my life. What a great legacy Mark Batterson's father in law left. For him to be described as a man who had, "a familiarity with God that was disarming. He had a faith in God that was reassuring." That speaks volumes about the character of the man. We should all strive to leave a legacy like that. We need to live our lives now so we are as close as we can get to God without seeing Him face to face:-)