Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Larks and Owls

"One of the reasons that many people don't feel an intimacy with God is because they don't have a daily rhythm with God."

What is your intimacy level?
In the past I felt like there was no intimacy.  That being said, my prayer life consisted of my desires or my wish list.  It was not about worship and praise.  

Neither Lark nor Owl is better.  If you are a lark you begin your day by praying, pray throughout the day and end the day with prayer.  If you are an owl you just start later and close later.

Do we work at making time for our Savior?

I am going to try to get up earlier each day to read my Bible and pray.  My prayer life is always at a time that requires no planning or commitment, whenever it is convenient for me.  
"Praying hard is hard."

I sometimes do not start my day with prayer.  As most of you know, I work from home so I tend to make my coffee and depending on what is going on with my business, I sometimes go right to work.  My day should always be primed with prayer.  

I thought the study about priming was so interesting.  When I was a teenager I worked at McDonalds in the drive-thru.  My hours were the breakfast hours.  Looking back I am so glad that I always was cheerful with the customers.  Maybe I helped prime someone to have a good day!

Be sure to make your own routines and rituals for prayer and growing your relationship with Christ.  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Being a teacher I have had some time off this summer. I have had as a routine getting up, fixing a cup of coffee, and getting my bible. I have loved spending as much time as I wanted in my bible before I start my day. On those days I did have somewhere to be first thing in the morning and I didn't get to spend as much time reading, I missed it. I am going to do all I can to make sure when school starts again that I keep up my routine of reading first thing. I tend to be an owl so when I am scheduled to be somewhere early it is harder for me to get my bible study in first thing in the morning. It sure makes a difference though in the rest of your day. Not pushing the snooze button and getting right up so I can start my day with the Lord is well worth it. It's all about discipline. We have to be as disciplined with our time with the Lord as we are with getting to work on time. He gave His life for us, the least we can do is make sure we give Him our very best.