Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Cattle on a Thousand Hills

God loves showing up in unexpected ways at unexpected times.

How often has God shown up at the last minute for you?  
Do you become afraid and change course? or do you pray through?
Could this last minute answer to prayer be God making us understand that we need to depend on him all the time?
I  know that I need reminders to rely on Christ.  I am a  planner and want to know where I am going to be and all the details long before the required time.  
I am praying for a miracle, something that I have no way to provide, only Christ can provide it for me.  I am being bold.  I am being persistent.  I am being thankful.  
JEJIT - Just enough just in time
If you think about it, that is all we need, Just enough and just in time.

I feel like God shows up in unexpected ways all the time.  Our God is such an awesome God, just look around you!  What a gorgeous world he has created for us!
God is awesome!


Unknown said...

This chapter reminded my of an old friend who when money got tight, she would say she was waiting on her Heavenly Father to sell some of His cows and send her the money:o) I have had God bless JEJIT many times. I have not thought about last minute provisions as being part of God's playful personality. I've always thought God has a sense of humor so I guess its ok to think of Him as having a playful personality too!
It's easy to think about our lives as being easy when we serve God, but that is certainly not always the case. God wants us to grow and growth also takes work. That work means more prayer, bible study, and ministry. God puts holy complications in our life to draw us closer to Him. As it says on page 113, "Blessings will complicate your life, but they will complicate your life in ways God wants it complicated." I would much rather have "Holy Complications" than "worldly complications." I hope I can pray and mean it when I say, "Lord complicate my life!"

Unknown said...

Complications come in many forms. I need to start looking at each complication as an opportunity for God, instead of just wanting the complication to go away as quickly as possible. I need to ask, is God trying to teach me something or accomplish something with this situation.